You may remember a few years back when I shared a story about helping to rescue two ladies on a remote island in the Puget Sound. I originally wrote the story to assist in dealing with a bit of PTSD, and it seemed to help. After sitting on it for awhile, and after learning more details about the traumatic event, I decided to compile it into a book!
The goal of the book is to help others learn about a danger that may exist in their own home and to help unravel this experience a little further to put it (mostly) behind me. It is a captivating story, and I hope you will enjoy it. You can find it here and could be a meaningful and cost-friendly gift idea around the holidays, and portions of the proceeds are used to provide carbon monoxide detectors to tenants in need. Find it on Amazon:
Breathe Again: A True Story of Survival on a Remote Island
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