Project Timeline Graphic / by Josh Brincko

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Here is what most projects look like to design from start to finish, and each portion may fluctuate with the amount of time it may take to complete depending on: the economic climate, building dept workload, engineering requirements, and client decision-making time. We find that most of the time spent waiting is related to client decision-making followed by building departments queuing the project to review for permit approval. As you can see from the graphic, much of the time spent waiting is not spent on designing the project. We actually come up with the big concept quite quickly and a little more time is spent creating the more detailed construction drawings. Besides that, most of our time as the architect is spent during construction coordinating decisions to save time and money during construction.

If you’d like to learn more about our design process, visit, and if you’d like to get us started on your project with a feasibility report, please visit